
Kultur & Unterhaltungs veranstaltungen


Mit dem Ziel, das Tourismusangebot der Stadt Solin möglichst reich zu gestalten, veranstaltet der Tourismusverein der Stadat Solin in Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Institutionen eine Reihe von Kultur und- Unterhaltungsveranstaltungen, wie zB. Romantik in Salona, die schon zwei Jahre in August stattfindet, und die kulinarische Manifestation „Aus dem Soliner Topf – was haben unsere Vorfahren gegessen“, die in September in Gašpina mlinica stattfindet, sollte keinesfalls unerwähnt bleiben. Der Tourismus spielt in der Stadt Solin eine wichtige Rolle und das bezeugt auch die Tatsache, dass unter der Schirmherrschaft der Stadt das zweite Internationale Festival des Touristenfilms dieses Jahr im Hotel President durchgeführt wurde.

Romantik in Salona

The goal of this event is the "revival" of the history through high-quality and authentic interpretation of ancient heritage by organizing three theme nights, through which we will show the life in Salona in ancient times, in a creative way. This event contributes to the promotion of Salona, as well as the improvement of quality of the content in the destination, especially at the site of Salona, and thus directly influences the increase in the number of visitors in the destination.

Aus dem Soliner Kochtopf

In order to promote the Gašpina mlinica mill as well as to promote the culinary offer of the town of Solin, the Solin Tourist Board, supported by the town of Solin and the Association of the people of Solin, is organizing From the Solin Pot culinary event which will take place at the Gašpina mlinica mill in September 2014. The event includes a cooking competition between the citizens of Solin as well as the rich accompanying cultural and entertainment program and prizes for the competition winners.

Festival des Touristischen Films

Already a tradition and with an established international reputation, the festivals INTERSTAS, ITF'CRO - INTERNATIONAL TOURISM FILM FESTIVAL and KEA/Entente Florale Europe - CRO (members and partners of the world associations: FEST, ITCO, FIJET, AEFP), that have been taking place in the town of Solin for many years in a row, are now regarded as very dynamic and important cultural and tourism industry events in the region. In the context of tourism, tourism film, travel, tourism journalism, environmental protection, ecology and sustainable development, they are gaining increasing recognition within the travel industry. They are actively contributing to the growth of tourism in the world thanks to being highly regarded and superbly organized, along with offering a wide range of creative accompanying activities.

Internationaler Kongress historischer Städt

Adventszeit in Solin



Organized by the Tourist Board of Solin, the association Solinjani, every year on the eve of Easter is held a gastronomic event "Towards Easter", which aims to present the traditional Easter gastronomic offer of Solin and foster the development of tourist products in the pre-season.

Internationales Karikaturenfestival

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