


Have you decided to try some of the Solin traditional dishes after seeing all the town's attractions? You may try some of the traditional recipes such as Trout alla Jadro, Queen Jelena's stake, grilled eels or Diocletian's pancakes. Read some of the many recipes from the traditional Solin cookbook "Notes from Medo's Kitchen“ that will take you back to the times of the ancient Salona and Croatian rulers...

Šukica eel

E, da nije anguja ka guja, čistila bi je i ja malo češće, pa bi je rado spremala na žaru i na brujet. Eto, ovi san put velikodušno pripustila čišćenje Medinoj kužini, a sebi san u zadatak dala da moran zato posli „očistit" pjat, šta mi nije tako teško palo. Medo je ima još jedan teži zadatak, čekat jednu dobru kišu da se iza nje pojave anguje. Rika je za naš obid bila izgleda najizdašnija na Šukici, odakle stižu anguje za aktualna jela, pa smo je zato odlučili počastit i nadit ovon poglavlju njezino ime.

Arambaši (kapulari)

Trout alla Jadro

Trout in wine

Polenta coated trout

Solin beans

Broad beans with pasta

Royal Solin steak

Olive oil

From the cookbook What Will I Cook Today? – Notes from Medo's Kitchen

Text: Mia Sesartić
Recipes: Zoran Kljaković Gašpić – Medo
Photographs: Jakov Teklić

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