Además, en la oferta turística de la ciudad ocupan un lugar especial una subespecie endémica de trucha adriática (la trucha adriática salonitana), el monumento natural “El ciprés de los pantanos” (Močvarni čempres), el molino de Gašpić (Gašpina mlinica) que data de los comienzos del siglo XVIII, el río Jadro – el “Jordán croata” y el parque de piedra “Nuevas antigüedades” (Nove Starine)…
El molino de Gašpić
Gašpina mlinica is one of the rare watermills on the Jadro River that has been preserved. It was built in the early 18th century and the first records of the mill date back to 1711. Its structure consists of four low, stone buildings in a row with gable roofs covered with stone plates. Over the centuries, this structure has been modified and upgraded, which is evident from the subsequently built windows on the facade...