
Solin summer colors


Follow the footsteps of Emperor Diocletian, Queen Jelena, King Zvonimir and many more ... Visit Salona, the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia, personally recognized by Julius Caesar. Experience the impressiveness of this ancient Roman city, starting with a tour of the Traditional House Parać. It was built in 1863 from the stone of the Salonite Amphitheater and Salonoe, it contains an archaeological and ethno collection located on the first floor of the house, while the ground floor has a restoration workshop and an old fireplace. Enjoy an unforgettable experience and discover how to handle original materials and learn what are decorative and useful objects from ancient times. In the evening, head to Salona and return to the past through the "Romance in the Salona" event. Experience the real fight of gladiators at the Evening of Antiquity with the gladiator's fights, and enjoy the Roman wedding at the most romantic venue in Salona- Tusculum with an ancient feast. Then we will move the touch of antiquity along the Jadro River where an antique craft fair will be held - blacksmith potter, basket maker, rigid, antique souvenir shop, mosaic, sale of beauty products and you will be able to enjoy the music program. For lovers of plays, poetry, concerts and those who want to know more about traditional events such as harvesting and threshing or learning about old crafts and customs, the ideal time to visit is between 01.07-08.09 when Solin's cultural summer takes place.

After a long walk and sightseeing, are you thinking about dinner? Head to the Gašpina watermill for an event organized by the Tourist Board of the City of Solin, the Solinjani Association and the town of Solin called "From the Solin's Pot – just like your grandma used to make". This event was recognized by UHPA and the travel magazine Way to Croatia, and in 2014 it was named one of the best events in the category of Traditionally Gastronomic Events. Taste traditional dishes, have fun with a rich music program and get acquainted with traditional gastronomy and culture. Maybe you learn a new recipe ...

Romance in Salona

The goal of this event is the "revival" of the history through high-quality and authentic interpretation of ancient heritage by organizing three theme nights, through which we will show the life in Salona in ancient times, in a creative way. This event contributes to the promotion of Salona, as well as the improvement of quality of the content in the destination, especially at the site of Salona, and thus directly influences the increase in the number of visitors in the destination.

Solin Cultural Summer

The Solin Cultural Summer is a traditional cultural event organized by the Zvonimir Centre in cooperation with the Solin Tourist Board and the town of Solin. It takes place every year between 1 June and 8 September and offers a wide range of cultural events including concerts and festivals (such as the well-known Ethnoambient Salona Festival), theatre performances, poetry readings, local traditional events such as the Harvest and Threshing Day at the village of Blaca, fishermen's nights, exhibitions of old customs and tools and the world famous International Cartoon Festival...

From the Solin Pot

In order to promote the Gašpina mlinica mill as well as to promote the culinary offer of the town of Solin, the Solin Tourist Board, supported by the town of Solin and the Association of the people of Solin, is organizing From the Solin Pot culinary event which will take place at the Gašpina mlinica mill in September 2014. The event includes a cooking competition between the citizens of Solin as well as the rich accompanying cultural and entertainment program and prizes for the competition winners.

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